Last Tuesday of Every Month with occasional exceptions
DSA Scene Reads are open to the public and free to attend, but only DSA Members can have works read.
Most DSA Scene Reads are made available worldwide via Zoom.
Members may have up to 10 pages of work read during each scene read meeting.
Please upload a PDF copy of your pages to the DSA Website at least 24 hours before the Scene Reads.
Be careful to fill in all fields in the upload form. The presence of one empty filed will prevent the upload from happening. -
If attending in person, please bring enough copies for all speaking roles, including the narrator.
Highlighted dialogue for each character on separate copies is extremely helpful, and will move things along.
When you arrive, please check in with the DSA Moderator. Casting for your script will follow.
Check the DSA Events Calendar for this month's Zoom Registration information.