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Do I have to be a member to attend meetings?

All of our Regular Meetings and Scene Readings are open to the public. At our monthly meetings, non-members pay $15 at the door (members attend FREE). Visitors are also encouraged to attend any of our Scene Readings. However, only members are allowed to submit pages to be read.

I have very little/a lot of writing experience. Is this group for me?

YES! Our Board of Directors carefully schedules speakers, seminars and workshops that cover every aspect and level of the screenwriting experience. There is something for everyone. Our group is made up of writers of every skill level - from complete newbie to optioned and produced. Come to one of our meetings and see for yourself! The friendships, networking and accountability alone is worth your time.

How much does membership cost, and what does it cost me?

Annual Membership in the DSA is  $45 per year (January thru December) with student discounts available for $30. Non-members can attend meetings by paying a fee online or at the door.

Members receive FREE access to regular Meetings (quarterly), can submit pages from their scripts to be read at monthly Scene Reads, discounts to seminars and workshops, access to the as well as access to the screenwriters library maintained by KD Studios.

Do you offer student/family discounts?

Yes! KD Students receive free access to DSA meetings. Student memberships are available at a rate of $30 per year. A valid student ID is required to qualify. Membership for each additional family member is also $30 per year. 

Can you read my script and give me feedback?

Members are encouraged to attend our monthly Scene Reads where they may submit up to 10 pages of their work for local actors to read. This is the best way to test scripts and dialogue and receive immediate feedback. Members may also solicit individuals as readers or writing partners on their own. 

The organization itself does not read scripts.

Do you help members get writing jobs?

The DSA serves as an educational institution and does not help members find writing jobs.

What happened to the Writers Directory?

In 2022, an analysis of the Writers Directory indicated that the DSA version of this service could not command the clout available from other sources. For example, the Dallas Film Commission, the Dallas Film & Creative Industries Office maintains a Dallas Creates Directory that is quite comprehensive.

Can you help me get an agent?

The DSA is an educational institution and does not help writers get agents. Most of our speakers are in agreement about two things when it comes to getting an agent: 

1) Writers don't need one until someone wants to buy a script. And then you won't have any trouble finding one.

2) You need to have at least 5 completed and polished manuscripts before seeking an agent.

Can I slip my script to one of your guest speakers?

Most of our speakers are legally prohibited from accepting unsolicited manuscripts. Please do not attempt to slip our guests your script unless he or she specifically asks for them. Most of our speakers volunteer their time and expertise because of their love of the craft. Please don't place them in an uncomfortable situation. 

Why don't you have links to scripts? They are all over the internet.

Due to copyright laws, the DSA does not and cannot store nor share electronic scripts. During awards season, many studios release legal copies of their scripts publically. The DSA will alert members of the availability of those scripts. 

How do I run for a board position?

Candidates must be members in good standing and able to meet the requirements of the position. Please contact a board member during a meeting or email to express interest in a board position. 



The DSA provides regular screenwriter meetings featuring some of the best professionals in the business. 



In cooperation with KD Studios

the maintains a library of useful material, available to members for free loan. 



Serving the needs of the DFW Screenwriters Community with monthly Scene Reads and more.

10455 N. Central Expressway

#109 PMB #295

Dallas, TX 75231



are held at:

KD Studios
2600 N. Stemmons Frwy #117
Dallas, TX 75220

Want more info and regular updates? Simply add your name to the DSA mailing list.

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